Worship is Our Battle Cry

Every Giant Will Fall by Rend Collective


As I take a step closer, smells of death fill my nostrils and turn my stomach.

He moves toward me slowly and the sound of his large, heavy feet crushing the rocks beneath him sound like the crushing of bones, bones of all those who have died by his hand.

His enormous body strangely seems to radiate heat, making my head cloudy and causing me to hesitate to step forward like the warrior I’m supposed to be.


Didn’t David run right up to the battle line to take Goliath down? My feet feel like they are weighted to the ground.


He turns back to yell something to his army behind him, and his loud, startling laugh makes me stumble backward. They all throw their heads back, snorting and snickering as they mock me. I could feel the heat rise up from my belly, and my ears burn as their laughter echo through them.


This is the end of me. What was I thinking?

I am a mom. A wife. I don’t know what made me think I could run out on this battlefield.

I look down. I haven’t killed bears or lions like David. I potty-train and fold mountains of wrinkled clothes.


“But I AM with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. I will help you. Do not be afraid or discouraged.”        (Deuteronomy 31:8)


As His Words wash over me, my heart fills with fire, and I feel His strength rise up within me.


He’s right. I have nothing to fear. We already know He wins this battle. I’ve read this story to my kids a million times.


Yet, here I am, Lord. In the middle of the battlefield with no weapons…People are watching, Lord.


“You have weapons, My child.”


My mind frantically thinks about what I have to bring this giant down.

I reach my hands into the pockets of my apron.

Some nice, smooth stones and a slingshot would be nice right about now.


Nothing.  Nothing but a folded piece of paper.


While the giant is distracted with his mockery, I quickly unfold the paper.


I flinch and close my eyes in disgust. All I have is the song lyrics I wrote down that morning during my quiet time with the Lord.


“Our weapons don’t look like his weapons, but they are much, much more powerful. They are a gift from me. Use what I give you.”


This is insane.

If the giant and his army was already laughing, I can just imagine what they will do now.


I take a deep breath.


I’m not always the bravest. I want to be courageous like David was.

But I’ll do anything for You, Lord. And if I die here on this battlefield, I die knowing I’m in Your hand.


The paper is shaking so badly I can barely sing the words.

No one utters a sound.  Silence fills the air as all eyes are on me.


“Jesus, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us…”   My voice cracks as I look around at all the questioning faces.

I clear my throat, close my eyes, and continue singing.


“You are high and lifted up, that all the world will praise Your great name…”


My heart burns with love and praise, and as I close my eyes, I suddenly feel the warmth of the sun as I lift my face toward heaven.


“Lost are saved, find their way, at the sound of Your great name,
All condemned, feel no shame, at the sound of Your great name.

Every fear, has no place, at the sound of Your great name,
The enemy, he has to leave, at the sound of Your great name.”


I hear the giant moan as he falls to the ground in one, thundering motion.

And then the army behind him takes a knee.


I open my eyes to see the unbelievable defeat around me.

But I don’t stop singing.


I lift my hands in the sky, and with praise and gratitude, I continue to lift my voice as an offering to the One who fights for me.

And my voice is joined by voices behind me and beside me…


“Redeemer, my healer, almighty
My savior, defender, You are my king
Redeemer, my healer, almighty
My savior, defender, You are my king
Jesus, the name of Jesus 
You are high and lifted up and all the world will praise Your great name,
Slain for us, son of God and man
You are high and lifted up, that all the world will praise Your great name.”
It had been planned before I stepped onto the battlefield.
But I couldn’t see it at first.
I couldn’t see any possible way this giant could be defeated.

All I could see was the giant.

My Father, my Rescuer…HE could see the defeat before the battle began.
I’m not brave like David.
But I’m getting braver.
The giants look smaller as my God looks bigger.

“You come against me with a dagger, spear, and sword,

but I come against you in the name of the LORD…”

1 Samuel 17:45







About the Author


Learning to swing a double-edged sword. Recovering from chronic seriousness and finding more ways to celebrate. Life is but a breath..."

1 Comment

Cheryl Anderson

This verse from Samuel is one of my absolute favorites and you have built a gorgeous witness upon it!


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