Posts Tagged: God’s will

Living To Make A Difference & A Giveaway!

“OUR LIVES BEGIN TO END THE DAY WE BECOME SILENT ABOUT THE THINGS THAT MATTER.”  – MARTIN LUTHER KING JR The Maker of the Universe could have created anyone. He made you. Oh, beloved, you matter so very much. You were intricately designed and formed and placed. You, with all your beauty and your quarks, all your […]

Anti Self-Help Series: For Such a Time as This

As a follower of Christ, we are supposed to believe we are a miracle, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” You see it on pro-life billboards, teen devotionals, Christian cards and motivational posters. And maybe, just maybe, you believe it. But do you live like it?   What you believe about yourself will greatly affect how you live […]