Hiding in Plain Sight

Hide-and-seek is one of my favorite games as a mom. Crouching down in my favorite hiding spot, keeping my breath as quiet and controlled as possible, I try to fade into the background and make myself invisible. I get such a thrill when I suck in my breath as my kids walk into the darkened […]

Fight For the Pause This Christmas

December comes rolling in with a vigor that can be full of childlike excitement or of the dread of “too much to do and too little time.” I’m not going to lie, I’m going to have to fight for the childlike wonder this year. In addition to all of the other added expectations the holidays […]

The Healing Power of Gratitude

Gratitude breaks the seal to a deep soul healing. It heals our vision and is the key that unlocks the gateway to abundance. Healed eyes see beautiful wildflowers where weeds once grew. Healed eyes see bounty instead of lack and opportunity instead of opposition. Eyes healed by gratitude’s touch are eyes wide open – eyes awakened to grace.

I Will Faithfully Follow Jesus Unless…

One sentence in a Beth Moore Bible study years ago significantly changed my faith journey and relationship with Jesus. I was new to town, I didn’t know anyone, and I was in a room full of women, which can be…well, let’s face it, ladies, it can be terrifying. I contemplated leaving as I sat alone […]

The Saturday of the Forgotten Promise

Easter weekend is upon us, and many of us have taken communion, remembering our Lord’s last meal with his beloved friends. Several of us have watched an Easter movie or two or attended a Good Friday church service to remind us of the terrible suffering Christ went through on the cross for us. Often times, […]

Rise Up – Episode 3: 3 Steps to Transforming Lent into a Spiritual Time-out

Many of us don’t do anything for Lent or maybe we meant to but it crept up too quickly. Whether or not you have given it much thought, I really encourage you to check out the podcast today. I have come to love this season, and am excited to share with you the gift God […]

Christmas Heart Check

“For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7b “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” […]

Butterflies on the Roadside

Brokenhearted, I laid my head down on the table on our porch and pray-cried, feeling every mom-inadequacy rising up within me. My daughter had just left for a place I didn’t want her going, and now the last words we spoke were fighting words – another round of a battle that we are both exhausted […]

Rise Up – Episode 2

Rise Up Episode 2: Hope When You Face “A New Normal” Many of us have had to deal with the ridiculously difficult realities of facing, “a new normal.” Whether a diagnosis, relationship changes, life transitions, or other circumstances that have messed with our comfort and security, we know the emotional roller coaster that those uncertainties […]

Rise Up – Episode 1

This is An Abundant Life’s first official podcast episode of “Rise Up” where we will hear ordinary women who have had to Rise Up from extraordinary circumstances and deep valleys and have watched as God did a great work in their life. This absolutely could not come at a better time, because, I think we […]

This Side of Heaven

  Oh, Lord.   I want so much to feel You more closely than I can on this side of heaven.  I long to see You with my eyes, physically feel Your arms around me.   I want to feel Your rough hands touch my cheek as you look into my eyes with love that […]

Snake in the Grass

I hate snakes.  I try to convince myself they are just part of the animal kingdom so I don’t make my kids scared of them too, but really, they make me uneasy terrified.  Ok, more like I feel I need to do deep breathing exercises and keep from throwing up when we see one at […]

My Manger Invasion

  Sounds of breaking glass sent me flying into the next room to see what was going on.  Here my toddler sat, looking so pleased with his rearrangement of the manger scene.  Baby Jesus was MIA.  In His place sat a tyrannosaurus rex.   The camels were even on the roof of the stable, I’m sure […]

Hearing God’s Voice

  We pray and long to hear God’s voice.   But, what if we hear it so clearly and wish we hadn’t heard it?   A couple years ago, God asked me to do something I didn’t want to do. I tried desperately to ignore His whisper.   But, in the end, I obeyed, and […]

Undo Me

Our Sunday School class is talking about accountability, but I didn’t anticipate the opportunity to “practice what I preach” quite so quickly this week.  Man, it doesn’t always feel good to be held accountable by your friends.  But thank you, God, for giving me people in my life willing and brave enough to do it. She […]

SOAP Bible Study Method

It’s so hard at times to be in God’s Word daily, but I can promise you He will bless you like crazy if you make a commitment to doing this. The SOAP Bible Study method can guide you in God’s Word and help you remember the truths He reveals to you!  Make sure to grab […]

HE > i

No one told me God would speak to me.  I didn’t really know exactly what it meant to “follow God’s will,” but I talked the good Christian talk like all the other “church goers.” Inside I knew there was something I longed for when I read God’s Word, but I didn’t know what to expect. […]

Pep Talk: Getting our Mind & Heart Ready

The locker room can be a smelly and loud place as players get their uniform on, tie their shoes, and get ready, but when the coach comes in before the game, the players draw close. They know he has important things they need to hear.  They know he will quiet the loud locker room chatter […]

Suit Up

I am known to be a procrastinator.  I can remember many times when my family was waiting to leave to go on a trip, and I was still throwing last minute things in the van when we should have been well down the road. Let me tell you, it’s not a great way to start a […]

Game On

WELCOME TO THE 30 DAY BIBLE CHALLENGE! Every day I will post some tools and encouragement, so keep checking back every day!  One of the days we will have a drawing for one of my favorite devotionals, so don’t miss out!   Are you ready to dig in?! If you are not accustomed to spending […]