Join Us On a 6 Week Journey to Falling In Love With Christmas Again!

Online Christmas Bible Study


Christmas isn’t full of tidings of joy and great cheer for everyone all season long. Sometimes our tanks that are already on empty are now pushed to even greater limits, and this holiday ends up having more blahs than fa-la-la-la-las.

We will begin a 6 week devotion that will use scripture, stories, worship, & even recipes to encourage you to fall in love with Christmas again. Come join us in the journey beginning Friday November 23. Every Friday there will be a new devotion and recipe to wake up to, and you will receive daily encouragement throughout the 6 weeks.

You can sign up by using the form below. 

Also, make sure to join the Closed Facebook Group “Falling In Love With Christmas Again Bible Study” by clicking HERE  to receive daily encouragement and follow along on your own or post responses and prayer concerns as we fill our tanks together and fall in love with Christmas again!



About the Author


Learning to swing a double-edged sword. Recovering from chronic seriousness and finding more ways to celebrate. Life is but a breath..."


Cheryl Anderson

Can’t wait! This will be just the right thoughtful pause to fully participate in the glory that is the birth of Christ Our Savior.

Cheryl Anderson

The moment Christ is revealed He disrupts the darkness and it is glorious! Your writing reminds me sometimes we just have to refocus. By the way . . . . there is a phrase “Spiritus Mundi, the spirit of the world.” But I think these moments of universality are really the Spirit of God; the moments when He truly unites us in Himself. Thanks for reminding me of that.


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